This Is Sure To Be A Head Turner For Any Place. Confuse And Impress Your Friends With One Of Our Fancy Wine Holders! With The Bottle Inserted, The Balance Will Hold Perfectly Steady Giving An Intriguing And Modern Look To Any Setting. It Will Be Really Awesome To Have Something As Cool As This On Your Wine Parties With Your Wine Bottle Floating On Mid Air!
Let Your Wine Bottles Float in Air!
An Astonishing Decoration: The chain holder looks pretty neat and a classic design your wine storage at home should definitely make use of. After all, you don’t find a floating wine storage solution every day, do you?
Ingenious Design: Designed to be floating and suspended in the air, this Ingenious item was created to stand out from all the rest!
Perfect Balance: This chain wine bottle holder uses the weight of the bottle to balance itself horizontally well above its resting surface. Chain links are strong enough to support almost any full wine or liquor bottle.
Premium Sturdy Materials: It looks like an ordinary chain, but actually, it is made up of sturdy metals that can carry and support an entire bottle of wine.
Material: Metal
Metal Type: iron
Please allow 10-20 business days for the item to arrive.